Study and Revision tips!

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past month, you will be aware that this is exam season! The telegraph have recently put together their top 10 study tips and techniques which may help you through this year’s exams. Take a look:

1. Walk before your exams. Studies have shown that taking a brisk walk or doing exercise for about 20 minutes can boost memory and brain power!

2. Talk to yourself. Seems crazy but you are apparently 50% more likely to remember something if you speak it out loud instead of simply reading it over and over.

3. Reward yourself for studying. Why not try a reward system for your revision…could even be something simple like a sweet or treat for every page read. 

4. Teach what you have learned. If you can convey what you have learned to other students, you will be able to convey it over an exam paper. Simple logic.

5. Create mental associations. Mind maps and spider diagrams are a great way of tying together creativity and intelligence. 

6. There’s a reason why Times New Roman is the default font on all computers – it’s been proven scientifically to be a quickest and easiest font to read. Don’t make your life harder by choosing a strange font. 

7. Get student apps. There are a wealth of student apps out there which can help with studying and ordering your student priorities. 

8. Learn how to master google and using search engines. This will also help you at University when looking up for academic materials and articles. As well as sifting through lots of important, and not so important, information. 

9. Listen to classical or ambient music. I know that some of you have some interesting music tastes – but I would recommend listening to relaxing music to put you into a good frame of mind for studying – have you made your mozart spotify playlist yet? 

10. Meditation. Not for everyone but studies have shown that if you are stressed then meditation can help you deal with some pre-exam jitters. 

Hope these will be helpful to you. Good luck everyone!