A Level Spanish

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What Board do we do? Edexcel A Level code: 9SP0

The A Level in Spanish aims to encourage students to develop their interest for language learning, considering their study of the language in a broader context. Therefore, it aims to develop students’ awareness and under-standing of contemporary society, cultural background and heritage as well as to communicate confidently, clearly and effectively in the target language for a range of purposes.

Which subjects combine well with Spanish?
Spanish combines well with a number of other subjects. The related disciplines of other languages, Business Studies, Computer Science and Economics are obvious examples. Other suitable subjects are Art and Design (Photography).

What careers and university courses can Spanish lead to?
With the growing expectation that candidates applying for jobs should be competent in at least one foreign language, Spanish is suitable for students wishing to pursue a wide variety of courses and subsequent careers.

The A Level Examination
This qualification is linear, which means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course. The A Level exam consists of three exams taken after two years of study. Papers 1 and 3 are focused on four central themes:

· Theme 1: Evolution of Spanish society

Theme 1 is set in the context of Spain only. This theme covers social issues and trends.

· Theme 2: Political and artistic culture in the Spanish-speaking world 

Theme 2 is set in the context of Spanish-speaking countries and communities. This theme covers artistic culture (through music and festivals and traditions) and political and artistic culture (through media).  

· Theme 3: Immigration and Spain's multicultural society 

Theme 3 is set in the context of Spain only. This theme covers social issues and trends.

· Theme 4: Franco's dictatorship and the transition to democracy  

Theme 4 is set in the context of Spain only. This theme covers political culture. 

Assessment Overview
Paper 1: Listening, reading and translation (Paper code: 9SP0/01) 
Written examination: 2 hours, 40% of the qualification, 80 marks
Section A: Listening (30 marks) A listening assessment based on a recording, featuring male and female Spanish speakers. Students will respond to comprehension questions based on a variety of contexts and sources. 
Section B: Reading (30 marks) A reading assessment based on a variety of text types and genres where students will have to respond to comprehension questions. 
Section C: Translation into English (20 marks) An unseen passage to be translated from Spanish to English. 

Paper 2: Written response to works and translation (Paper code: 9SP0/02) 

Written examination: 2 hours and 40 minutes, 30% of the qualification, 120 marks 

Section A: Translation (20 marks) Students translate an unseen passage from English into Spanish. 

Section B: Written response to works (literary texts) (50 marks) Students must write an extended response on either one or two of the prescribed literary texts and films. Students select one question from a choice of two for each of their chosen literary text(s). If a student answers questions on two literary texts then they do not complete Section C. 

Section C: Written response to works (films) (50 marks) Students who answer only one question from a literary text in Section B must now write an extended response on one of the prescribed literary texts and films. Students select one question from a choice of two for their chosen film. 

Paper 3: Speaking (Paper code: 9SP0/03) 

Internally conducted and externally assessed 

Total assessment time: between 21 and 23 minutes, which includes a single period of 5 minutes’ formal preparation time 

30% of the qualification, 72 marks 

Students complete two tasks. Task 1 is worth 30 marks and Task 2 is worth 42 marks. 

Task 1 (discussion on a Theme) 

Students discuss one theme from the specification based on a stimulus containing two different statements. 

Task 2, Part 1 (independent research presentation) 

Students present a summary of at least two of the written sources they have used for their research and give a personal response to what they have read. 

Task 2, Part 2 (discussion on independent research)

Students answer questions on their presentation and then have a wider discussion on their research. 

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