A Level Art & Design (Fine Art)

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What Board do we do? AQA

What is Fine Art? Students studying Fine Art will be introduced to a variety of experiences exploring a range of art media, processes and techniques. Traditional methods are studied as well as new media – the use of drawing for different purposes is studied, using a variety of methods and scales. You will work in one or more areas of Fine Art such as drawing and painting, mixed media (collage), printmaking and photography. Relevant images, artefacts and resources relating to a range of art, craft and design are studied, from the past and from recent times, including European and non European examples.

Trips will be taken to nearby art galleries and museums. 

(Marks gained at AS Level do not contribute in any way to the final grade at A Level).

Which subjects combine well with Fine Art?  
Photography, Physics, Maths (for Architecture students), Psychology, Philosophy and English Literature.

What can Fine Art lead to?
Many of our Fine Art students go on to study Foundation courses in Art and Design, also to universities to study Architecture, Product Design and Industrial Design. Other jobs benefitting from Fine Art courses are Film and TV Production, Costume and Fashion Design, Textile and Jewellery Design. Studying Fine Art is useful for problem-solving skills, self-motivated working skills, and can give an invaluable insight in to the variety of cultures around the world.

AS Level

Component 1: Portfolio. Non-exam assessment set and marked by the teacher and moderated by AQA during a visit in June.
60% of AS:
Component 2: Externally-set assignment
40% of AS. Set by AQA and marked by the teacher, moderated by AQA in June.

A Level

Component 1: Personal Investigation
60% of A Level
Set and marked by the teacher and moderated by AQA in June.
Component 2: Externally-set assignment
40% of A Level

Set by AQA , marked by the teacher and moderated by AQA in June.


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University of Cambridge


University of Cambridge


University of Cambridge




Imperial College, London


Brunel University


Queen Mary University


Queen Mary University


King's College, London


GCSE Day Student


University of Sussex


GCSE Day Student