If you would like to apply for one of our A Level or GCSE Music scholarships please contact us using the form below.
It is a practice in many private schools to offer fee discounts in the form of scholarships for academically bright students. David Game College is pleased to offer a variety of scholarships to students who demonstrate natural ability and potential that can be nurtured by us and above all have a hunger to work hard to achieve the best they can.
We are looking to offer a range of Music and Music Technology scholarships for GCSE and A Level Music and Music Technology students for September 2024 entry, including:
10%, 25%, 50% and 100% discount of the tuition fee in the academic year 2023-24.
Applicants for our A Level and GCSE Music scholarships will be asked to submit the following;
Any applicant invited to an interview will also need to perform a piece of their choice and may be asked to undertake sight reading, music theory or other tests to demonstrate knowledge and ability. A reference of recommendation from your Music/Peripatetic teacher may also be required.
When awarding scholarships, the key elements we are likely to consider are applicants’ test scores, performance at interview, school reports and references.
If you wish to apply for a scholarship for September 2024 please feel free to contact us using the form below.
These scholarships are available to new students only and are not available for existing (enrolled) students.
Scholarships apply to tuition fees only and does not include any additional one-to-one lessons required with Peripatetic teachers. In addition to the tuition fees and not included in the scholarships are: registration fees, accommodation fees, practical/material fees or examination fees. Text books are not included in the tuition fees.You can see our 2020-21 fee scale here for more information.
To be eligible to apply for the GCSE scholarships applicants must have completed year 9 or year 10 in the academic year 2019-20 and be aged between 13-15 on 1st September 2020.
This opportunity is not open to students who require a Tier 4 visa to study in the UK. Should an applicant hold an alternative non-Tier 4 visa then this visa must be valid and maintained for the duration of their course.
Scholarships students are not only expected to perform well academically but they should also contribute to the wider experiences at the College such as our clubs, councils, societies and teams. Scholarship students are also expected to perform at various College events, such as Open Days. They should also demonstrate an exemplary attitude to learning, complete all work on time and meet the attendance requirements of the College.
A scholarship may be withdrawn if any of the following occur:
Scholarships will be offered on the assumption that David Game College will be able to meet the reasonable needs of the applicant while they study at the College. If after awarding a scholarship we are not, in our sole opinion, able to meet the needs of the student then alterations to the course may be necessary which may incur additional fees not encompassed in the scholarship offer.
The successful applicants who are awarded a scholarship should be discreet and should not disclose that they have received a scholarship to their peers.
Scholarships are awarded at the sole discretion of the David Game College whose decision is final. Whilst we are looking to offer scholarships we may offer no scholarships if we deem, in our sole opinion, there are no suitable applicants.